World Nutella Day – Nutella espresso

Today is World Nutella Day but for lots of people every day is Nutella day. I love Nutella but the problem is that my hips love it too. And eating Nutella by the spoonful seems to make the hips grow, and like most women I want them to shrink instead of grow πŸ˜‰ So I just don’t buy it any more. But for World Nutella Day hosted by Ms Adventures in Italy and Bleeding Espresso I made an execption and bought me a jar. By the time I made these Nutella espresso’s it was already nearly half empty πŸ™‚

I came across this drink when we were living in Tel Aviv. It was on the menu of one of our neighbourhood cafe’s. The combination of pure Nutella, a shot of espresso and some frothed milk was delicious! And such an easy recipe too. Have been wanting to recreate it for two years now but as I don’t own an espresso machine I never did. Still don’t own one so I’m afraid the Nutella espresso you see in the picture was made with instant espresso…I know….shame on me πŸ˜‰ but it was very good despite it!

You can adjust the amount of Nutella to your taste. If you would follow the recipe you would have an not too sweet espresso with a good chocolately-hazelnutty taste. If you like your coffee sweet and more Nutella-y I’d add an extra half tablespoon of Nutella.

Nutella espresso

serves one

1 tbs Nutella

45 ml (3 tbs) espresso

frothed milk

Spoon the Nutella into a small glass (if it is too stiff, pop in the microwave for 10 seconds). Pour in the espresso and top it off with some frothed milk.

Stir well before drinking.

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10 Responses to World Nutella Day – Nutella espresso

  1. Oh I have to try this. Tonight.

    Thanks so much for participating πŸ™‚

  2. courtney(aka glamah16) says:

    Very original and not so heavy as a dessert. I like this.

  3. linda says:

    Bleeding espresso – hope you like(d) it as much as I do

    Courtney – I’d use a little more Nutella but it would make a great small dessert.

  4. Ivonne says:

    Good point about everyday being Nutella Day! I feel the same. I wish I could have a shot of that espresso!

  5. sagari says:

    adding nuttella to espressooo wowwww ,wonderfulllll

  6. Miss Ifi says:

    That looks delicious!!! yuuum!! can I come over for some? I’ll bring matcha chocolate mini cakes *nods* hopefully our hips can take it…

  7. daphne says:

    the thing i love abt this is that it can be done manually. great to end a meal with.

  8. Rosa says:

    That’s an interesting combination! Mmmhhhh!!!



  9. linda says:

    Ivonne – try it, it’s easy

    Sagari – when I first tried it in Tel Aviv I couldn’t believe I never saw it before, so simple, so delicious

    Miss Ifi – bring on those delicious mini cakes, their mini so our hips can handle it πŸ˜‰

    Daphne – easy peasy dessert

    Rosa – indeed…mmmhhhh!

  10. Katie says:


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